IRINA 08/19/1994 (Leo)

Journalist, Lubelskie, Poznan, Poland

edited by
Andrej Grampovčan Gylan

Gylan's radio ALTER

  •  09/30/2018 19:57
  •  09/30/2018 01:46
  •  09/25/2018 21:28
  •  09/22/2018 21:48

Hi Andrej how are you there in Slovenia? Mar 16 2017 I'm sad you don't write me back but I remember the moment when I asked you to let me go, when I saw your interest in me was slowly fading away. I asked, "Wasn’t my interest sincere enough? Or was it too much??" Anyhow I will take thic chance to get your attention again and am going to write you a wonderful and energetic letter. Of course I know you're Divorced being 61 years old but I want you to know I am not like a wild chicken and I do not want to be everywhere at the same time. I understand that does not work :) I have to admit that I do not consider yourself one to be easily moved however I hope my new letter will hit a chord and it will be a very good thing. Of course we both understand that life is not logical, mathematic equation. Life is not an advanced computer program but I did not think that it was possible however writing to you always makes me smile. :) I just hope my energy is quite refreshing and unexpected for you, Andrej. Reading my letters, I hope you feel like I have intrigued and moved you all at once. I was not really sure how to write you first... So how was your day? My day has gone okay and I guess I am doing okay all things considered. My schedule has been a bit sporadic and this of course is the norm for me. I am a workaholic. Yes, my dear Andrej, I said it and this is what consumes me these days. Perhaps I need to stop and smell the coffee or roses as it were? I'd love to watch a movie with you one day. Do you have any prefers? Anyhow I would not ask what you want to watch because I am the snuggle type and that would suit me just fine and you can put on anything you want)) I actually imagined my hand resting on your stomach, my head on your shoulder and my legs on your lap. Do you like that image? Hope this conjured up all kinds of thoughts good and some were of the naughty variety)) Sorry about that. I do need just that. To be able to be right there with you and snuggle. I am becoming tired of virtual reality and I prefer the good old fashioned way of being close and to have the ability to look into that special someone’s Brown eyes. ;) Well Andrej, this is a journey and I hope we can arrive together. You are most certainly a mystery and like a good journalist (and a detective) I would like to solve it and I do realize that I may never have the complete picture of you but feel that I can learn enough and we can determine where are fate lies and if we are destined to be together. I imagine looking into your Brown eyes and seeing our future. Do you believe we are destined to be? Only time will tell. I am ready to hold you in my arms and I believe you are a very nice person. I told you I am a very passionate woman who wants to have a man who can understand me and be by my side. So I want you my dear Andrej to know my thoughts without me saying it as you can feel it in your soul. My dream seems the impossible dream as I want to feel as if he is the only one in the world to me and no others are even close to being important as we are in our own world and we are all each other needs. I would long to see him when we are away and patiently count the minutes until we are together again. To embrace one another and to be as one. He would be my one and only love and I would be the same to him. Does it seem impossible at times for you too?... I am now here writing to someone who I cannot touch or feel and yet my feelings are there. I am fearful and do not want to think that this is not real. This is my dilemma. As you already noticed I do not like to let people get too close to me and as a result I have a hard time trusting. But I want to trust you Andrej and I want to believe that I have found the one. This is based on my own feelings and desires of course. In any relationship it takes two and I do not wish to feel so deeply for someone and they do not feel the same. For me it is a feeling so deep that you would be able to complete my thoughts. You would know exactly how I feel by simply looking into my eyes and I would know yours as well. If we are on that same path, then it will happen as we are destined to be and the distance will not be an issue because I would know you are right there waiting for me and me for you. I would know that you hold my heart in your hand and not be afraid as you would keep it safe because you have the key. I hope you understand what I am saying as this is my dream. To find someone who I can be completely honest with and be myself. To not fear that I would be judged and to know that I am accepted. I want to meet you and go somewhere with you every night. I want you to hold me and keep me safe. I just hope I have made you open up and you are happy to because I need to know that. Of course you could close up but sometimes you have to take a chance. This is me taking a chance with you my dear Andrej. A leap of faith and focusing only on you and all the possibilities that come with that. Are you really ready? As we go down this path and if we are in mutual agreement I would like to come visit you in Slovenia someday and see you in person. This will come if we are both serious. Is this what you are looking for, Andrej? Are you that man? I like to be outdoors and also enjoy quiet time alone with the one I love. I try to stay current with world events and also enjoy reading and traveling. I feel I have said enough and if I hear back from you then I will know your answer. I could go on. If only life were so simple. I think under the right circumstances and with the right person it can be. It should be said that I am searching for a life partner and very serious about this. And I can say that I would love to live in solitude with you if we do have the right chemistry and as I said this takes time. Hope that sounds for you like we are on the same page. I make no promises however I am ready to see where we land. Please excuse me for asking as I was curious about my language skills. I just hope you have understood my words and I hope that I have managed to express my thoughts and feelings in an understandable way for you Andrej? I don't think it is a matter of right and wrong as these are our thoughts. Communication is very important in any relationship. So I want to know that we can understand each other. :) I send you my warm wishes and endless hugs and kisses! Bye for now my dear, I will be dreaming about guess who?? :) With a Dream in My Heart 💝 Your Irina-Ballerina 🍓 *** dec 2017 /, anastasia / Irina ID: 1834377, 24 year old, Journalist, Poznan, Poland / Hi Andrej_gylan How are you doing today there in Ljubljana Slovenia? I am doing good but seems you forgot to answer my letter again. But God ordered the world and all things in it, and I ordered a pizza and all things on it. I know I need more frugality with the words I use. I wonder where I can buy some? Have I mentioned that I love writing long letters? OK Andrej_gylan I will try to make this a long one. I usually get my inspiration from the letters I've sent you before. So what should I talk about! ***, maybe…Love, probably…our future, for sure! What about a story about something from my past! And maybe I am talking strange today am I in a crazy mood my dear Andrej_gylan? Don’t know about being in a crazy mood, after my 2 days of rest; I haven’t been in my usual self. My mood has been way off. I can’t explain it, I can’t get myself focused and get myself back to my usual self. I am working on it, so if I don’t come across quite right…I am so sorry! If I try to analyze why, there could be so many reasons. One I know because I wanted to meet you, I cannot express how much I wanted and needed it. Another is I have been very tired and stressed. And I want to have you in front of me, I want to hold you in my arms, I want you to touch my cheek, to kiss my lips, to run your fingers through my hair. I want you to place your hands on my *** to pick me up while my arms are wrapped around your neck while our lips are in a deep kiss. Not only do I want this but I need this and I only want and need this with a serious man. I hope you know I am there, thinking about you every moment, wanting you with all my heart and soul, only if you let me. My desire for you is very great Andrej_gylan, to meet you and be together with you! I just hope I make you very happy every time you read this. You know I want the same as you, and I am letting you! I hope we can be perfect for each other, I hope we can love each other, desire each other and be there for each other. Well my Dear Andrej_gylan, I am always waiting for your letters and I want to make sure you understand that I want to talk to you every second, of every minute of the hour, every hour of the day and every day! I want to be connected to you all of the time! In fact, I would be ecstatic if we could talk to each other and we could hear each other in person!!! So you should print out all of my letters and write me on everything that I wrote to you. :) I swear, I had this thought last night. I don’t want to write you a long letter…I want a novel! LOL! I will do that for you. I will still write you besides the novel. It will take a while to write you about everything. I hope you don’t receive it corrupted due to the size. I might have to write and send it in two parts... I am full of surprises!!! I AM INTERESTED ONLY IN YOU, ANDREJ_GYLAN!! You may believe it or not!! And I do understand you are 62 years old so I better have to stop wondering what I am thinking because everything ends with disappointment if I cannot talk to you.. Sigh..! And just to be clear, I do NOT chat or write letters to anyone Except YOU!!! OK! And about chatting with you I covered above and I have talked about this many times before.. I hope this will be our year! Yes, it will! Where do you want us to spend the holidays? I am talking about Christmas! Maybe our Christmas tradition will be to spend Christmas here with my family? Is this what you want? This can be our first Christmas together! And I want it to be special for you. I am also going to need your help in suggestions on gifts for YOUR family!!! Not only will this be our first Christmas but it will be the first time with your family too. I will need names and an idea for each one! Do you have any suggestions my dear Andrej_gylan? I want you to know my dream! I dream to have a big garden, a house, and a building in the back for a photo studio and print shop! Yes, Andrej_gylan, I love photography, it is my hobby and I think it's very important to love your hobby but you know that already. And of course to have free time to spend with each other…the best hobby ever! I think you know I don’t watch much TV, but have you ever watched the HGTV channel there in Slovenia? There is a show called Fixer Upper! I love this couple; they are great at what they do. So much so, that I would like to move there and have them do a house for us. They did this home and transformed it into a Country French style home. It was great!!! I could see us in that house easily. I know you are busy, so it was just a suggestion. :) Well my dear Andrej_gylan, I hope this letter made you smile and made your day brighter and that you will think and dream only of me. :) I look forward to your letter with great anticipation and I will be thinking of you all the time! ;) Hug and Kiss you. The one you’re looking for. Irina *** Hello Andrej_Gylan Sep 16 2018 How are you doing this weekend? Don’t understand what’s wrong with me? Am I asking too much from you? You’re ignoring me but I just want real love and I want peace in my soul. In fact, love is something everybody wants, which is perfect because I have a lot of it. So I just need some help boxing it up and arriving at the perfect market price so people will buy it all. Well my dear Andrej_gylan, it was a joke and hope you not mind me joking about love? My word is my bond to anyone especially you but can I say there’s something I want you not to do? When we discuss things, I will listen to your perspective and if I can see conviction, sensibility and comprehension of the factors involved in any issue, then my ego should not get in the way and be the decider. Look how many tragedies occurred because ego triumphed over clear and unselfish insight. There are still so many things I have yet to learn, but a relationship should not be an authoritarian one-way street. Of course Andrej_gylan, the man has to make decisions and shoulder responsibility and that I think is essential and incumbent upon him. Yet he must always listen to the counsel of his beloved while she remains devoted to him. So, I want us to be like a couple dancing and there are roles that should not be confused, but the combination of the man and woman looks beautiful and feels enchanting when they work together. That’s what I want with you... Well my dear Andrej_gylan, how was your night last night? Last night I didn’t sleep well and I’m amazed that I was able to function today. It’s stress. I’ve been troubled by delays with my vacation and last night I *** there feeling concerned and ended up reading into the small hours of the morning before finally drifting off into a half sleep. So I won’t write a great deal in this sitting, but I know this is of a different order of magnitude. But last weekend I went to a Milonga. There are basically four institutions that run Milongas in Poznan and the one I attended last weekend is at a scientists’ club. It’s a little two-story building sitting close to my home, Andrej_gylan. The floor is usually slippery as it’s polished and that makes it tricky for precision dancing at times. On top of that, there seems to be a lack of dance etiquette at this particular event with couples careening around the floor. There are leaders who are experienced and who should be considerate of others, yet some of these are the worst offenders. I always keep an eye out on busy floors as you never know when and where some errant dive-bomber will come from with a lady in front as his weapon, armed with stilettos. Well my dear Andrej_gylan, I was dancing with Pawel, my dance partner and the dive-bombers were like a swarm of mosquitos on a warm summer night: They were everywhere. I was constantly re-adjusting, compensating and pulling out of figures, just to keep my partner safe. At this, Pawel becomes cranky and his anger directly affects our dancing. When we sat down after a Tanda (group of dances), he was savage and I said to him, “we brought this on ourselves”. He took a while to see it but eventually agreed. When we rose to dance again, I decided to fight fire with fire: I simply occupied the space I wanted to dance in, using myself as a shield and stop for the dancers careening around the floor like ducks on Speed. I simply magnified my “presence” and this had the desired effect if you know what I mean, Andrej_gylan? I have a feeling this is one of the tricks to life. We have to “occupy” our space in this world as though it’s our birthright and inheritance. Others who otherwise would crash into our space, or worse, seek to take even that space from us, are magically repelled. I think people like you and I probably have a clause written into our unconscious contract with life that says we have to defer to other’s needs in order to obtain our own. Well my dear Andrej_gylan, you don’t answer me for now but I say let’s you and I strike this clause out as being unconstitutional and prejudicial. What do you say about building on strengths rather than scurrying away from our inverted power like frightened mice? I look forward for your letter in return and I send you my warm wishes and endless hugs and kisses! Have a great Sunday and I will talk to you later. Sincerely yours, Irinka **** Hello Andrej_gylan! Sep 12 2018 How are you? Why are you ignoring my letters again? Did I say something wrong in my last letters? I just left the door open so you could come in — and I could go out. That’s what being in love is all about… Don't worry, Andrej_gylan, I haven't changed my mind! I am not a woman who creates fantasies; I am not a woman who is looking for ONLY adventures, because this type of woman is poor in spirit and unhappy in her heart. But I'd love to create something strong WITH YOU! And you know the with is shorter than the without, but the with makes the without bearable, as the shadow of memory is long and bright. So let this be a lesson in love for us!)) Well my dear Andrej_gylan, I've been to my parents' summer house (I call it dacha) not long ago! It's a small but cozy house! Maybe you will see that one day.. I have two dogs there!)) And they used to sleep in the same room as me, but as one has gotten older, she has started to snore like an old man. It’s unbelievable. You can hear it straight through a wall. So sadly, they now have to sleep upstairs in their own bedroom, which was pretty hard for me at first. I like to know they’re nearby, and when I lived with my parents I’ve slept in the same room with them each night for pretty much their whole lives. I was violently opposed to this sleeping arrangement at first, but I am a light sleeper, and even with earplugs I couldn’t handle the snoring. So now I have a new routine when I visit, and though I don’t like that they aren’t with me at night, my mornings are brighter because of it, Andrej_gylan! My mom gets up a little bit before me each morning, and she goes upstairs to let the dogs out of their room. Even in my sleepiness-induced-stupor, I have to smile as I hear them tearing down the stairs and running full speed into my bedroom where they leap up onto the bed and attack me with enthusiastic kisses. I swear, it’s the best part of my day!!! And I wonder why we humans can’t be that enthusiastic each morning. Well my dear Andrej_gylan, I think if they could talk, they’d be saying, “Mommy, mommy, IT’S A NEW DAY! IT’S A NEW DAY!” And each night, when I am there, I bring them up to their little room and give them kisses before I head back downstairs. My little preciouses. I love those little ones SO MUCH. My heart is big! How do you think.. Can you withstand a big love from a big heart?? Well, a couple nights ago I wrote this poem, and though it’s silly, I still wanted to share it with you, Andrej_gylan. I love my dogs A LOT, ok? ;) Tonight I looked into those big brown puppy eyes of yours I kissed your little faces Then I closed your bedroom door. And as I sometimes often do, I cried those kind of tears that I cry each time I think of a day without you here. I know you have a sweet, sweet soul Better, still, than mine And as your little days pass by I wonder, all the time Does heaven have a place for you? Little ones that I love so? Cause if you won’t be waiting there Than I don’t want to go.... Well my dear Andrej_gylan, writing this poem made me some tears roll down my cheeks... I'd like to say I'm feeling overly emotional today - but I'm always this way. And I hate this moment when I have to go to Poznan.. I haaaate leaving my pups... But that's SO cute when my dogs head straight to my room every morning when I am at dacha..! That sure is a wake up call! Would you like to have such "wake up call" when we live together?? :) Ok Andrej_gylan. I have to prepare for my work because my benefits at work are changing once again. It's quite confusing really. I wish I could just have someone take care of all that stuff for me. You know, paying the bills, putting any necessary paperwork together, the tedious bookwork side of life. I dislike it and I really don't have the time. I know, I know. If I have time to write so long letters to you here, I have time to take care of the "paperwork". But I hate it! Do you like to watch reality shows like the bachelor? I am watching the bachelor, only because I find it comical that all of those women really think that they have a chance. Even the final woman probably won't end up with this guy. He's a prince you know. A long lost prince. hehe. He is sort of cute, in that homely sort of way. On to better looking things. Well my dear Andrej_gylan, I have really taken the daily renewal seriously. I start off each and every day knowing that it is a fresh start. I try to make each day a little brighter for someone else, which makes me feel so much better about myself. I have so much to be thankful for and I never want to take it for granted. So I look forward for your letter in return and I send you my morning selfie. Please, ignore the puffy shapeless morning hair but don’t ignore me!!! My warm wishes and endless hugs and kisses! Have a great day and I will talk to you later. Sincerely yours, Irinka *** 11.november 2018 Hello Andrej_gylan! How's your weekend? Is there a room in your life for a woman? I mean if someone lives in a closet, and I... Let’s hope that I’ll become a whirlwind of activity and energy

  •  09/22/2018 18:08

On the Anastasia Date portal, which was intended for flirtation, I first received a letter from Irine Jun 10 in 2017. So far I have written and sent Irina 1 letter to this June 12 in 2017. Why not more letters? All letters sent are paid and the reading of letters is also paid. This means that you have to have some money to contact the person you want. Since you never see women in the eye, you communicate with virtual nice pictures and information on the portal. Even with Live Chat, you do not know whether this person is really on the other side of this person, whether it is a robot that is programmed and has already prepared answers. Following the announcement of some of the letters sent to Irina on, I received a few comments from men who communicated via Irina via letters. All men said that they personally did not meet Irina, who spent a lot of money, because they hoped to meet Irina personally, but nothing was left of it. In addition to the fact that I have provided contact information in a letter, I have not received until today a private e-mail from Irina. *** my only letter for Irina Jun 12 2017, AnastasiaDate. Dear Irina ID: 1834377, dear rose from rose garden. Andrej ID: 38095645 from Slovenia here. For you, a stranger, a mystery. Your first letter Mar 16 2017. Our correspondence. 5 your letters. Thank you. Here I read your first letter. Without content no depth. I did not write too much money to read, to write letters. I'm a retired programmer, engineer of chemistry. I live on a pension. Worse see. There is no other reason! If you want someone to get to know who he is, then there is only one way. Date face to face. I was married 2000/2003. Due to the separation (distance) is the marriage crumbled. I have two sons 25, 37 and don't live with me. I live alone in my apartment in Ljubljana. I am a lone wolf, alpha male. I am not an adventurer. Don't jump from flower to flower. I don't write letters like that! I have not seen any women from the Internet! I know a scammer romantic women, black mail ... I don't trust you so. Truth frees me always! Lies are killing me! Being single doesn't mean you're lonely. Many letters. Poems, short stories, aphorisms. I betrayed one book of aphorisms. Title: I write, therefore I am. I Alter Internet radio. My address: Andrej Grampovčan, Plešičeva Street 35, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia my mail: If you ever going to want to visit and get to know me. Between us is 40 years difference. I belong to a generation of baby boomers, and you generation of z,y. A large gap between the generations. Each has its own view of the world. Nor do we live in the same city. Among us about. 800 km distance. Far from the eyes of the heart. Physical touch is not and the question is, if ever. Therefore, the words just touches from afar, it has a large wing fantasy world of dreams. Do I forget? I know, you flirt. I have read some Message. I don't defend thy words. This passion of yours, dear lion, bursting out of you. Your lips are full of desire, longing. They expect a lot. Or just having fun? I miss the passion of a woman in her lap lips. This madness crazy and pounding heart. In my heart always playing music. I know only good and bad. My shoes are dusty roads kept clean feet always firmly stand in shoes with laces and a lot of them I wash. Bad smell is killing me! As bad breath! As boring people get bored! I always sporting arranged. More than the exterior, I'm interested in the character of man, how can we understand each other and listening on the bank of the river of dreams without walls. Beauty passes with time, time waits for no! In these masks you do not need, but you need the soft hands, sweet lips, tongue, who can lick that orgasms are falling over waterfalls ... Without it there is no love. I once knew Italian woman, 40, a photo model on the calendar Alfa Romeo. I was her best bull in its arena. Enough for you! Maybe I can ever touch your skin, maybe even your heart, soul, your lips, drank your smell, your fingers go through your black hair? Solitude, the essence of love, means a lot. And in the saddle solitude I would do you a lot. If you ever come, come as fragrant wild rose, full of good wishes and smiles. Maybe we made a film about our stories? If you think we can be something more, despite differences, welcome with me in the summer without obligation with a smile on his lap. I'm not going to do what you were not wanted! Maybe when I write a song right on the skin? You know dreams are made of such material that nobody killed anybody who cost nothing, who tend to live in space without windows, roofs and doors. Quitting this letter to the empty bottle with a song. "I know, baby, I'm a stranger you see me as a foreign body in your eye and you look at me on stage one-act plays, games without corrections in the story without meaning. I am an eternal wanderer, without signposts at the crossroads, a crossroads without signs in the middle of clowns and fools on the chess field of cross steps. Time empty jug life. Wounds are like eyes full of applications. Only I even know my little girl. Write to me, asking me how I was. You know, I suffer from fear and have no choice but to love in silence. Not looking for this and even forget that I can not! My conscience burns me when I watch the sky that your eyes can not see. The eyes are swollen, full of hot tears, full of screams. I like spring in the desert, waiting for your thirsty lips. " Your curiosity can always quench when I receive your letter on my private e-mail. Andrej (Gylan) ***

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  • Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia